Quedos on Apple's devices
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Who are Quedos?

Quedos make exceptional, top-of-the-line pool, billiard and snooker tables. We knew they were the very best in Australia the moment we stepped foot in their showroom. The problem was, customers browsing the Internet didn’t know this.

Why? Their website was extremely dated and lacked any clear flow or identity. In stepped Digital Hitmen.

After an in-depth business strategy session, we custom built their branding and website from scratch. The result was an amazing looking website that properly showcases their industry leading products.

Where Do We Rank in Google?

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Keyword: Pool Tables
(Ranked #1 on Google)

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[stm_spacing lg_spacing=”30px” md_spacing=”30px” sm_spacing=”30px” xs_spacing=”30px”]

Keyword: Pool Tables Perth
(Ranked #2 on Google)

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[stm_spacing lg_spacing=”30px” md_spacing=”30px” sm_spacing=”30px” xs_spacing=”30px”]

Keyword: Buy Pool Tables
(Ranked #1 on Google)

Our Goals

[stm_icon_box icon=”fa fa-calendar-check-o”]Attract more first-time customers through significantly improved Google rankings.[/stm_icon_box]
[stm_icon_box icon=”fa fa-cogs”]Improve conversion and retention rates with better call to actions, social media integration, mobile optimisation, and more.[/stm_icon_box]
[stm_icon_box icon=”stm-idea”]Redesign website to better reflect the brand’s high-end accommodation offering.[/stm_icon_box]

How Did This Impact Organic Traffic?

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Digital Hitmen have also taken over Quedos’ SEO campaign. With a combination of significantly improved on-page optimisation, coupled with extensive off-page link building, we have obtained amazing results for the client.

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30% increase in organic (SEO) traffic in the first 3 months.

172% increase in organic (SEO) traffic overall.

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Use the slider to compare the old Quedos website to the new, custom designed Digital Hitmen website.

  • Greater brand identity and awareness
  • Improved conversion rates through better design, navigation and call to actions
  • Significantly improved tablet and mobile responsiveness

Customer Testimonial

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Get in touch with me

Get in touch by filling out the contact form below. I’ll get back to you within 24 hours.

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